Deadstream is a 2022 American supernatural horror comedy film directed by Joeseph Winter and Vanessa Winter, and the cast includes Joseph Winter and Melanie Stone.
The movie follows the turbulent journey of an ex YouTube star, Shaun Ruddy, who is navigating quite a few setbacks, who finds himself abandoned by his sponsors and ousted from YouTube.
Undeterred, he begins the arduous climb back to success and remarkably, he secures a new channel on Livvid, secures an energy drink sponsorship, and commits to confronting one of his deepest fears, by exploring a reputedly haunted house and live streaming his experiences for the watching audience.
The chosen location bears a dark history of paranormal occurrences, stemming from Mildred Pratt, a woman from the early 20th century who received the house from her affluent father in a bid to attract suitors.
Despite initial success, tragedy struck when her fiancé passed away on the eve of their wedding, leading Mildred to take her own life.
Since then, a string of unfortunate events has befallen occupants of the house, raising questions about Mildred's lingering presence and her longing for a family in death.
I have to admit, I am a big fan of Deadstream, I think it is an excellent horror comedy that not only makes you laugh but has some really good horror moments as well, and it manages this mix very well.
The whole film is just fun, and you'll be laughing one moment and being spooked the next.
Joseph Winter is the heart and soul of this film and nails his performance, and despite playing a character who is meant to be quite unlikable with flaws, some of them relatable flaws for many, and some not so much, you cannot help but root for him as you develop a reluctant affection for him the longer it all goes on.
The movie is a wild ride that pokes fun at internet celebrities, live-streaming shows, ghost-hunting programs, and found footage horror films, all while channeling the frenetic energy and dark humor of Evil Dead in the finale.
Winter's hyperactive portrayal of Shawn is equal parts irritating, charming, and downright hilarious, making him a fitting modern day counterpart to Ash as he faces off against all manner of threats, enduring bodily fluids and beatings with comedic gusto.
Deadstream unfolds as a horror tale that cleverly incorporates nods to genre classics while maintaining its own identity.
Through its blend of storytelling prowess and creative chaos, Deadstream emerges as a standout example of the found footage genre, and a movie more people need to watch.
It's a strong debut film from the husband and wife team, who both also wrote it as well and pretty much done everything else as well to be fair, and I will look forward to seeing what they do next.
[Deadstream on IMDB] [Where to watch Deadstream]