Alice in Terrorland Review

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Alice in Terrorland movie review

In recent times, we have seen our beloved childhood characters being turned into horror movies, with more to come, and Alice certainly wasn't going to escape this treatment.

Obviously before watching Alice in Terrorland I wasn't expecting much, why would I? Maybe a so bad it's good horror flick at best.

And I was right not to expect much, it tried, but as usual, it did not really deliver. You can wath the trailer below too, if you would like!

Alice in Terrorland Trailer

Alice in Terrorland Review

The story follows Alice (Lizzy Willis), who, after losing her parents in a fire, goes to live with her grandmother Beth (Rula Lenska) where Beth reads Alice in Wonderland to Alice, and her dreams are soon filled with the book’s characters. 

The movie  is more of a psychological horror film about a young woman coping with trauma, no B grade slasher action, but an actual story about a girl facing her traumas. I do applaud them for that even if it was executed poorly.

Despite the film trying to be a bit different from others of the same ilk, it falls very flat as the acting is bad, the effects looked like cheap filters and the story was pretty boring.

The movie has no real purpose, and the entire film takes place in one spot, following one character who talks to someone new every few minutes, but none of the conversations build on what happened before and it's all rather pointless.

Izzy Willis does ok as Alice, as she just wanders through the movie, confused one minute before not being confused the very next minute. Make it make sense.

All the dream sequences featured in Alice in Terrorland fail to bring anything to the film like they should and they are tedious at best, and the film is just very disjointed and this is a movie I took for the horror fam so you don't have to.

The premise was actually somewhat interesting for this type of film, but the execution was appalling. [Alice in Terrorland on IMDB]

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