The Demon Disorder is an Australian horror film directed by Steven Boyle, and the cast includes John Noble, Tobie Webster, Christian Willis, Charles Cottier, Dirk Hunter, Michael Tuahine, Amy Ingram and Liam Wallace.
I finally got around to watching The Demon Disorder on Shudder and have been looking forward to watching it since watching the trailer, so, it is worth a watch?
This Australian demonic family drama centers on Graham, a man haunted by his past since the death of his father and the estrangement from his two brothers.
Jake, the middle brother, contacts Graham claiming that something is horribly wrong: their youngest brother Phillip is possessed by their deceased father and Graham reluctantly agrees to go and see for himself.
The Demon Disorder is quite a dark horror film that blends some strong acting with a creepy setting to tell a supernatural story about a troubled family.
Director Steven Boyle’s strong focus just feels a bit too familiar though, and while it’s well-made and there are certain things to like about the film, I did find it a bit of a slog to get through as well.
I loved the setting in the movie, a remote, rugged Australian landscape with a very isolated feel and the acting is pretty solid, with Christian Willis standing out as Graham, a man burdened by his past and unresolved family issues.
If you love practical effects you will be very impressed, as they bring the film’s gruesome gory moments to life, and while that part is all good, it does have a been here seen that before feel to it without really bring much new to the table.
The biggest problem is the story and despite a strong setup and some deeper mental themes explored, the plot just doesn’t offer anything new and it doesn't really go deep enough to have any sort of impact either.
The Demon Disorder just doesn't have much to offer you beyond some great gore and special effects, as the rest, as I say, is a been here seen that all before but better and is a film that is a little bit all over the place with the story too.
But if you like some strong gore and excellent effects, you might get something out of watching The Demon Disorder.
Myself personally, despite some decent performances and the setting being strong, I felt like it was missing some things and had a seen it all before vibe.
And FYI, there is a mid-end credits sequence.
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