Huesera: The Bone Woman is a Mexican-Peruvian psychological supernatural body horror drama film directed by Michelle Garza Cervera, and the cast includes Natalia Solián, Alfonso Dosal, Mayra Batalla, Mercedes Hernández, Sonia Couoh and Aida López.
Huesera: The Bone Woman follows Valeria (Natalia Solián), a young woman who is excited about starting a family with her partner, Raul (Alfonso Dosal), and when Valeria finds out that she is pregnant, she and Raul begin to celebrate.
However, the people around her are not as convinced that Valeria is ready to become a mother, and this causes her to start having panic attacks and disturbing nightmares, and as she struggles with these fears, she turns to her former lover, Octavia (Mayra Batella), for comfort.
Huesera takes a deep dive into the topic of motherhood and the pressures it places on women.
Not all women want children, and some may never have them because of their personal choices or sexual orientationm and the film acknowledges this reality through its main character, while also looking closely at the psychological effects that the idea of becoming a mother can have on a woman.
Some of the issues the film explores are difficult to think about, but they add a layer of complexity to the story as the film isn’t afraid to question what it really means to be a mother and how this role can affect a woman’s sense of self.
The film also uses body horror to show the frightening changes the human body can go through, and we see bones cracking, skin stretching, and physical transformations that try to make the audience uneasy.
Director Garza Cervera focuses on these body images to highlight how strange and even terrifying our own bodies can seem at times, with the film’s use of horror not just for shock value but to bring out deeper emotions and fears.
Natalia Solián totally steals the show though and puts in a powerful performance as Valeria, and she is able to express a wide range of emotions, from joy to fear to pure terror, with subtle gestures and expressions.
She carries the film with her portrayal of a woman in crisis, and as her mental state deteriorates, Solián shifts seamlessly between moments of calm, fear, and confusion, and her performance makes it hard to tell whether the strange occurrences are supernatural or simply a result of her deteriorating mental health.
One thing to mention is that the film is quite slow paced at the start of the film, and the first half can feel like it’s dragging on, so if you don't like slow burns, you might want to stop watching, but if you're familiar with me, you will know I love them when they build up to something good, and in Huesera, the film does picks up speed, at least I thought so!
Some people might find the ending a bit frustrating too, and I did in some ways, as it leaves a lot of unanswered questions, but the ambiguity works as well in the film’s favor as well with regards to the themes on display and the message it is trying to put across.
It's worth noting as well that the film plays out also more like a psychological drama, yes the horror elements are there certainly, and the psychological dread and moody atmosphere is fantastic in my view, but if you want your horror to be more 'traditional' in the scares sense, this one will disappoint with that.
You can easily draw comparisons to a film such as Rosemary's Baby, a film the director has claimed was an influence, so don't go into watching this and expect to find the horror to be in your face scares, and as mentioned, it is quite slow at times as well and plays out like a character study.
In fact, just think of the film as a psychological drama and regard anything else you experience as a bonus.
But I really digged it and it is absolutely well worth a watch, with it's beautiful cinematography and an exceptional performance from Solián, showing her full range of emotions, Huesera: The Bone Woman is really much more than just a movie trying to chill you, it’s a thought provoking exploration of identity, motherhood, and the fears that come with it, and it is all quite dark and bleak.
It was released in festivals in 2022, but got a theatrical release in 2023, and was in my top 5 horror movies of 2023.
What are your thoughts on the film?